Organisation: NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde
Hospital: Gartnavel Royal Infirmary
Project: Generator Installation
Value: £1.2 million
Timescale: 2 years
This was an extremely intricate and demanding project, which was to create a new Generator back up facility to support main areas of the hospital if a power failure occurred.
As you would expect the Planning issues discussions with council representatives were extensive due to the planned facility being so close to a main traffic route and being situated so near to public & patient areas.
The planning of scope and specification relating to Building Electrical & Mechanical was extremely complex and demanding from start to finish.
Risk management co-ordination with Hospital Estates and Facilities Teams was productive and supportive in all instances where a strategy group was formed and worked together towards the success of the project.
Heavy Plant lifts had to be carried out by cranes positioned on extremely busy main road, as the structure would not support the increased weight loads within the hospital areas.
Consideration had to be taken to house the Generator and supporting infrastructure within a purpose built building, which had to accommodate a relic plaque of one of the founders of the hospital, which was made of stone.
This extremely extensive and complicating project was quite intense at all times but ultimately success prevailed.
The project was spread over 2 No financial years.
Total Value of the project was £1.2 Million